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Ray White Aspley Agent
It’s a rare person who loves to move house. Most of us see it as a necessary evil in order to get to the fun part – creating a new home space to live in. Planning is the key to a smooth move, and the more you can get organised in advance the better. Here are our tips to keep you calm and carrying boxes.
As soon as you know your settlement date and move in date, decide if you’ll need to book a removalist or if you’ll be moving yourself. It might be as simple as booking a van and some friends to get you moving, but if it’s interstate or overseas, speak to a number of removal companies as they offer wide-ranging levels of service.
There are a number of companies who can make your move easier, like Concierge. As a Ray White customer, you have access to the full range of Concierge services. Kelly Tatlow, CEO of Ray White Concierge says they make moving easier, “by providing a range of complimentary moving and investor services to assist our clients with the transition to their new home.”
Make sure your new property is insured as soon as you settle, and start booking your other services. Kelly explains, “In just one phone call we’re able to organise a complimentary insurance period through Ray White Insurance and Allianz, removal services, storage services, tradespeople for home improvements, tax depreciation schedules and more.”
It seems simple but having a spreadsheet or extensive checklist will ensure you won’t miss a critical step. Do an online search for moving checklists, or create your own.
Some companies might cover a few items on your checklist, like a removalist providing packing materials or storage. Kelly shares, “We’re excited that each of our Concierge partners offer Ray White clients something unique, such as 30 days free storage with National Storage or a $150 Bunnings voucher when booking with Santa Fe Wridgways.”
Find our more at raywhite.com/concierge or call 1800 221 773 to speak with an insurance expert over the phone.
This article appeared originally in the April issue of The Listing
Ray White Aspley Agent
Ray White One Group is excited to introduce Milan Singh, our newest Sales Associate, who is bringing a fresh perspective and a passion for helping people achieve their property dreams. Although Milan is new to the real estate industry, having begun his journey just a few months ago, his enthusiasm … Read more